July 8, 2012

Embroidery Floss Organizing Update

After a few days I finally get my threads organized. I have "cheap" thread (no brand at all) that I use for small projects or for household needs. Then I have DMC and Omega threads. I had too much of those, so I had to separated them in two boxes. One with reds and pinks (I don't know why I have a lot of these colors) and the rest of the colors. Check how to do this clicking here!

My threads organized!

I wrote down the code on one side of the chipboard. This way I know what color I was using. I also write DMC XXX or OM XXX. Both brands are in the same box. Show me yours! Remember to subscribe or comment if you know another way of organizing floss.

Organized by colors and type. I have "cheap" thread and DMC and Omega

Cheap ones fit in one case.

DMC and Omega were separated in 2 boxes by color. You can see OM code
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Susan said...

I am interested in the brand and source of these plastic containers. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I would love to know where those boxes came from!

Anonymous said...

id also like to know where the boxes came from...ive been searching everywhere for something like this

Anonymous said...

Can you please tell me where did you purchase these containers?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone receive an answer on the containers?

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