July 5, 2011

Home Garden

Yes, seeds in a cotton... Do you remember in school a bean in a cotton and water? few days later a little plant! yes, this really works. I hate go to the market and buy a huge bag of cilantro when I only want a handful and the rest... well it eventually dies. So, this way i can grab it fresh and just the right amount. I'll keep you posted about the progress. My advice: put the seeds on top of cotton, check if the cotton is dry, if it is, add some water and keep it close to a window. The image below is a few DAYS later... you will see little leafs in a couple of days, suddenly a little plant will grow in about two days later! You should transfer this with the cotton to some black soil and fertilizer (check with seed manufactured instructions) 

Here they come... look at the bottom, some green thing

This happened the next day!!! omg it really working hard...

This is Dill if I'm not mistaken, also cilantro and peppers
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